My opinion about Australia is that it is a unique country and has lots of Kangaroos and the nasty, poisinous looking cane toads, and koala bears to see. And I would travel because it has many travel options there and to go and see all the modern cities and multicultural background, and the aboriginals have a drug and alcohol problems.
There are some things about this country that I dislike is the hot climate, you cant go anywhere without water which is good but you`ll get sunburnt like crazy probably. There is 1 more thing I dont like is the cane toads.For 1 thing there poisonous and they will get on your decks n such crazy creatures.
Yes, I would love to travel to Australia because I dont get out much, and to get away on my own for an adventure. so I can see all the unique art, all the unique wildlife. The thing that suprised me is that it has 6 countires in it. And also has a british herritage with sitll the aborigonals are there too so then you can iteract with them get to know them wat they do and did to survive.

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